How we partner with you


How We Work


Free yourself from the mental prison you've been living in and create a business that can thrive without your limitations.


Imagine yourself as a customer, looking at your business. What would you want to know about it? Is there anything that could use improvement or renovation before I make an offer on this property?


What is the one thing holding your business back from growing? This could be anything such as marketing efforts or product quality. What do you need in order to move forward and out of this rut?!


Your business is a unique entity that offers something no one else can. What makes you special?

Adding value to your business

"Success is a place in time – don't be late"

Get your Value Builder Score now!

Years of experience
0 +
Clients helped
0 +
business value created
$ 0 m
Business Meetings and Partnerships,Business team meeting.


What Our Clients Say!

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Frequently asked questions

Trust me! The Value Builder system is a proven formula that works with all types of businesses around the world.
Geoff Gartly has undertaken extensive accreditation and training to deliver the Value Builder system to businesses just like yours. After identifying your hidden value from your Value Builder Score, we start the process by developing your action plan. A plan and pathway that prioritize the areas that will add value the quickest. It’s a step by step process that businesses are using as we speak around the world to build value.

If you are excited, and your friends get excited, then so do we!
Let us know about any friends you refer, and we can make sure they can start their own value journey. If they commit to the journey as a ValueBuilder client, we will reward you with a Wotif Voucher to enjoy a relaxing night on us.

As your Value Builder Adviser, I bring a broad experience around value, business exit, taxation, and estate planning to the table.
But importantly, you know your business better than anyone so we aren’t going to tell you that we have all the Anwsers. A close second is your trusted adviser that has helped you over many years.
We are comfortable in keeping your adviser in the loop when it comes to helping you. Many Accountants are busy doing tax and are happy to help you get that area right. What we do is unique. We are excited that we can help you and bring you and your team on the journey.
Of course if your not happy about your taxation services we can talk about that too.